Monday, October 09, 2006

I hate Donkey Callers!

I hate donkey callers! Can you all tell me if I played this hand wrong? This was at the ACF MTT last saturday for a seat at the WPT Poker Madness this coming October 14-16. It was first level and blinds were 10/20. I was seated on a very very tight table, I haven't been playing any hands and won a small pot earlier. I was on the cut-off seat when I picked up QJ offsuit and raise it up to 5x BB. Dealer button, small blind and guy to my right calls. Flop comes out 9-J-8. Small blind checks, guy to my right bets 100. I sense weakness and raise it to 400. Dealer and SB fold. Guy to my right thinks a while and calls. Turn is a blank and he checks. I bet 400 again. He thinks again for a while and calls. WTF?!? River is a 9 and he moves all-in for 320. Im pretty sure he's got a 9, but I'm pot committed and wanted to see what he had. He turns up Ad9d! He played that trash all the way to river and got paid! Dammit! When I start playing smart poker, some idiot friggin rivers me. Who the hell calls a raise with friggin middle-pair?!? Then calls another bet with no improvement?!? Even if he was on a flush draw on the flop itself, was I giving him proper odds to call? Can you guys tell me if I did anything wrong, except for maybe calling when I knew I was beat. Thanks.

Congratulations also to Action-Jackson who won the ACF event, took down a nice payday of almost 50K, a WPT seat and nice pair of Raybans! Also, congrats to Doc Mike who won a seat as well at the SnG.


At 12:19 AM, Blogger 11Finger said...

I might have thrown the QJ away with one limper already, easily dominated by AJ, KQ... anyway did he have a flush draw on the flop ?

At 12:25 AM, Blogger 11Finger said...

BTW, if you were certain you had the best hand at the turn you probably should have pushed since 1.) you were calling any bet on the river anyway 2.) if your opponent calls your 400 he's pot committed already and will most likely call any bet on the river...

At 4:35 AM, Blogger GameFrog said...

You hate them the 10% of the time they hit their hand.

You love these kind of people the 90% when they miss. Drive the advantage and make them pay for the loose calls they make.

Heck these are the reason WHY people can actually MAKE MONEY in Poker! Why hate the fish bro? =)

At 1:25 PM, Blogger suitedpairs said...

I understand that completely dude. Its just that the fish always seem to hit their cards when the buyin for a tourney is high. Hehe. My cards only seem to hold-up when I play low-stakes games. But I do love the fish! Reel 'em in!

At 3:54 PM, Blogger ivegotdnuts said...

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At 3:58 PM, Blogger ivegotdnuts said...

" I was seated on a very very tight table, I haven't been playing any hands and won a small pot earlier. I was on the cut-off seat when I picked up QJ offsuit and raise it up to 5x BB. Dealer button, small blind and guy to my right calls. "

not a tight table, IMO.

you won't have any trouble if you folded this PF... :)

At 7:53 PM, Blogger suitedpairs said...

Well at that time, 5x BB was just 120. Probably with more skilled opponents still to act, I would've folded preflop, but I felt that I could outplay them. The poker gods just felt differently.

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Well at that time, 5x BB was just 120. Probably with more skilled opponents still to act, I would've folded preflop, but I felt that I could outplay them. The poker gods just felt differently."

-IMO, you have a better chance in forcing a skilled player to fold as compared to a newbie. Newbies tend to play anything as long as they are holding an ace. Folding pf is a much better option here IMHO.

At 9:42 PM, Blogger LowP3 said...

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At 9:52 PM, Blogger LowP3 said...

If you want my opinion, on the turn you should have bet the pot size (even if it means going all in) not 400 again. If you bet the pot (which I think at the time it would have been around 1030 chips if I'm correct based on 100 raise you did preflop plus his 100 chips, then the 30 chips from SB and BB, then your 400 raise after the flop and him calling). he probably folds but since you stuck with 400 (which is half the pot size) he could have had you on a bluff. It happens, believe me I get knocked out of a tournament almost always because some idiot wants to get lucky and push all in on middle pair, etc. (which I'm surprised he didn't do)

By the way if you ask me you should not bet 5x the big blind with QJ, you could easily be dominated with that hand. Not only do you pot commit yourself more if you don't hit but you can easily get outkicked. That and you never know when the guy on your opposite end who has AA or KK is just drooling to take your money.


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